Aishling’s Blog

Aishling Mooney : Angel Intuitive & Spiritual Business Mentor

For Lightworkers in life and business. We’re talking about Angels, Spiritual Business, Intuition, Goals, Money and everything else in between. This blog is proudly sponsored by TRANSFORM WITH ANGELS Take the course and start your angel journey today! Click here for more details….

Aishling Mooney Aishling Mooney

AA Metatron 😇 December Angel: Mary Poppins energy for your life and spiritual biz!

This December in the Angel Circle we're calling in the energy of Metatron to support you in your life. This angel encourages you to stand up for yourself, speak out, get into action, and claim your place in the world. CLICK HERE:

Metatron's energy can feel a bit like a no-nonsense Mary Poppins, you really don't want to mess with this angel. They'll support you to get every are of your life and biz in shape for your highest good and help you achieve your highest dreams. Metatron wants you to be the person you secretly know you are capable of being.

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Aishling Mooney Aishling Mooney

Stay in your own lane!

I recently shared all of my fears as I step into this next chapter of my life and spiritual business.

Who am I do to do this new thing? It feels way outside my comfort zone and I’m not even sure if it’s going to work. But I know when I get quiet that it’s exciting and feels good and feels right.

I’ve decided to feel the fear and do it anyway! …..

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Aishling Mooney Aishling Mooney

How to Connect & Communicate with your Guardian Angel in 5 simple steps

If someone you knew had wings and could fly above any situation; if they could see your past and your future and already knew what the next best step for you would be; wouldn’t you want to ask them for advice?

Many people ask me how to connect with their angels, as if it’s a difficult thing and only I, or a few special people, have the key to it. They usually don’t believe me when I tell them how easy it is. It really is as simple as speaking to your best friend on the telephone.

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Aishling Mooney Aishling Mooney

Why I closed my membership and broke my spiritual business

All the money I made was sucked back into my business and into keeping this thing up and running. I felt exhausted and depressed and stuck on a treadmill I didn't even want to be on! I had no time for exercise, making new friends, learning a language or creating anything new.

All my creative ideas were sitting in my head gathering dust and leaving me unfulfilled and just sad.
I decided to close down everything… 

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Aishling Mooney Aishling Mooney

100,000 Angels & The first time I met Angels

When I used to teach live angel classes (Over 15 years ago!) the first song I always played was the beautiful 100,000 Angels by Bliss. Just listening to that music makes my breathing deeper and everything just slows down and relaxes. 

It reminds me of the very first time I encountered the energy of angels. I walked into the room at the holistic centre called 'Chez Anges' (House of Angels) in Crumlin, Dublin and I immediately felt my whole body relax and the words that popped into my head were 'I'm home!' 

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Aishling Mooney Aishling Mooney


Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae.

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Aishling Mooney Aishling Mooney


Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque.

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Aishling Mooney Aishling Mooney


Why traditional business and a holistic are completely different and why you need to know so you can finally start getting paid for your healing gifts!

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