Stay in your own lane!

Recently in our monthly Coaching & Cards call in the Transform with Angels community and in response to an angel card with the message of trying new things and uncovering hidden gifts and talents.... I found myself sharing ALL the fears that are coming up for me as I take this next big step in my life and business. 

 'Stay in your own lane' Who the hell are you to do this?' 'How are you qualified?' What makes you different?'  'This could go terribly wrong!' 'Why don't you just stay in your lane?' 'Stay working with just the angels and supporting spiritual business owners?'  'Why do you think you can be a book coach?' 

Last November I closed everything down.  If you've just joined my community you can read that story HERE.  Letting go of clients, subscriptions, programmes, software and team so I could literally start again and try to figure out what I really wanted to do with my time and my business. 

To support me the only thing I did was go back to my Transform with Angels course and invite a small group to join me for alive round. I also continued working with private clients in 121 sessions.  This gave me space to think and play and feel into my next steps.

Slowly through it all, I got this little whisper or reminder to do a book collaboration and it just kept coming... through clients, (one dear client actually said the words; Why don't you do a book collaboration?') angel signs, and a desire to be in community again but not do the same ol, same ol. (I know how to make money in my business, but I had to resist just going back to what I know!)

Years ago I read 'Pebbles in the Pond' a compilation by Christine Klosser (2012) and absolutely LOVED it.  The stories of real women were just so inspiring and uplifting and I wanted to be one of them. But I never did anything about it and didn't consider myself an author.


Eight years later I published my book Angels are with You (2020) and two years after that my Oracle cards and guidebook were published (2022) and then I kind of felt like a proper 'Author'.  

So this summer I planned to write my next book, one about Angels and Meditation (It's half written) but then I found myself taking a side turn and getting excited about something completely different.  


I began to write what I thought was a simple and quick ebook on how write and publish a book. I saw so many people in my community struggle with this and I wanted to share everything I knew about the process. 

Then I kept adding in extra chapters and more detail until it became a full length book! (It's in the final editing stage now and will be released next month.)


As I wrote the idea for the book collaboration began to emerge.  In a conversation with a dear friend the idea popped out and she convinced me to give it a go. Two days later I had the idea fully formed and webpage created. 

You can take a look HERE

So my first Book Collaboration Spiritual Millions will be out early next year (2024) twelve years since I first had the idea!  I'll be in a book of amazing women telling incredible stories to inspire and light up the world.  

I still feel like 'who am I?'  but I going to feel the fear and do it anyway. I know I'm a great coach, deeply intuitive and I genuinely love my clients.  I'm good at motivating and inspiring others and also at making difficult things simple.  I can't think of a better place I'd rather be this year, but embarking on this new project surrounded by and working with an amazing group of women. 

If you want to join the book collaboration and be one of the lightworkers and spiritual business owners to co author with me this Autumn 

CLICK HERE for more details. 

The price right now is introductory.  

We're beta testing it to fine tune the process and iron out any issues.  I've included 121 coaching with me and 8 weeks of group coaching for 44 amazing women.  (3 places are already filled). If you have any questions at all or need to speak to me in person please just reply to this email and I'm happy to answer your questions. 

I hope this email inspires you in some way to try new things, test them out, experiment and if it's calling you try a completely new lane!

Loads of love
Aishling xxxx

P.s. This Friday I'm also hosting a brand new Masterclass: How to Write & Publish your Book Quickly.  I'll share 7 easy steps for author success. 

It's Completely FREE! 



Book your Private 121 session with Aishling now:


Angels are with you by Aishling Mooney.


Transform with Angels in 12 weeks:



Instagram: www.instagram/com/aishlingmooneyangels 

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