Learn to read Oracle Cards

with ease for yourself, and private clients
with Aishling Mooney
Angel Card Reader, Coach & Spiritual Business Mentor.

Do you? 

  • Want to learn to read oracle cards in a safe non judgemental space of like-minded people just like you?

  • Know that you're intuitive but often second guess yourself and doubt your abilities?

  • Want more confidence in delivering messages of hope and comfort from your angels and guides to your loved ones, family and clients?

A deeply healing transformational journey in self-discovery, Alchemy, and Mastery for Lightworkers, Modern Mystics and anyone wishing to connect and work with oracle cards.

Imagine a world where angels walk beside you, offering guidance and support in every area of your life, relationships and finance.  It's already here! Oracle cards are the key and include deeply powerful wisdom and healing connection with the divine angels and ascended masters and your higher self and some incredible transformational energies.

Take a deep dive into your sacred contract, heal your mind, and transform every area of your life and biz! 

Use the cards to give accurate readings for yourself, your loved ones, and clients. Whether you're a complete beginner or a pro, working with archangels can bring more magic and miracles into your life than you ever dreamed possible. 

Get ALL my secrets, tips & card spread templates to read oracle cards with confidence and clarity!

Aishling Mooney

Angel Intuitive and Spiritual Business Mentor supporting thousands of Lightworkers around the world.

She's also a spiritual entrepreneur and spiritual activist with a vision to enable healers to share their knowledge and healing gifts with the world in a way that's sustainable and profitable.

Lightworkers, Healers and Modern Mystics take your place at the table of leadership, business and wealth creation and be a powerful voice for this new Earth!

Allow the angelic realms to transform every area of your life and biz. Learn to reconnect with your own soul purpose and mission, gain courage and confidence and create beautiful healthy boundaries and a life you absolutely love.

Book your Private Oracle Reading (Coaching & Cards) with Aishling Now

In this course, you will learn how to: 

  • Do simple and effective readings for yourself, family and friends.

  • Include powerful oracle cards readings in your private client and coaching sessions.

  • Use a range of card spreads and templates (We have a beautiful workbook for you to follow throughout the course)

  • Do practical hands-on sessions helping you improve your oracle card skills and get guidance.

    Get Lifetime Access to this course and recordings so you can access it again and again when you need to review and hone your skills.

If you're ready after this course to go deeper with Aishling and want to get support creating a successful spiritual business you are welcome to join the Angels & Biz ALIGNMENT Programme which includes a vibrant online community and spiritual business library of resources, training and masterclasses to support you in building your community, getting online, creating and implementing a marketing and social media plan that suits you and your energy and healing message.

Learn to read Oracle Cards

with Confidence and Clarity!


Everyone can read oracle cards and that includes you! It's a wonderful way to connect with your angels and guides so they can support you in every area of your life and spiritual business.

In this course, you'll find the spiritual tools, an amazing supportive community, and everything you need to help you become an empowered woman, and begin your journey reading oracle cards.  and become a healing force for good in the world.

A safe space to practice and improve your oracle card reading skills, to give and receive readings with like-minded lightworkers and earth angels just like you. 

Whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced oracle card reader you'll find this course inspiring, encouraging, supportive and loving. 

As women, the world is demanding a LOT from us right now and we often need to be reminded that we are a priority as well and that it’s so necessary to take a break from the chaos to refill your cup!

Let’s face it these past few years have been tough with one s**tstorm after another! 

 Treat this course as virtual retreat for your soul and allow your angels and community to support you with compassion and love. 

Whether you're a complete beginner or a seasoned oracle card reader you'll benefit from being in this sacred healing space.

In this course, you’ll experience healing shifts and transformation in many areas of your life and biz. 

You'll learn a new skill or improve a current one and be able to use this powerful tool to enhance your private client sessions. 

You’ll start to trust yourself and your own soul’s voice, your intuition will increase and your self-esteem and confidence all also improve.

There will be aha moments and insights to support you in your next steps. Taking this time out for yourself creates a safe space to reflect, review and get answers and guidance as you move forward in your life.

Learn to read Oracle Cards

with Confidence and Clarity!

Aisling Fitzgerald

"Absolutely such a beautiful way to spend the morning. Thank you so much, Aishling Mooney, love your realness and angelic light. My intention was to enjoy the connection with others and expand. I never use systems when guiding I just connect, listen, talk, and usually pick cards but I loved your spreads.

This course has taught me that I could do this for people within a structure or a spread. It expanded my awareness and heightened my senses. 

One aha was that we all have some senses more heightened than others but when you connect with someone else's energy you can also adapt to their senses. So delighted to have had such a fun and heartful course."

Susan Wilkes Lynch

 "Thank you Aishling Mooney for an amazing workshop with your beautiful oracle cards, they have such amazing energies and new insights and inspiration that are different to my other cards.

You created a beautiful safe divine space for us. I really needed this time out today to refocus and I feel alive and rearing to get going again. It was brilliant to work with new people. 

I would highly recommend Aishling’s workshops whether you are a beginner or advanced card reader or spiritual teacher it was amazing to receive renewed support and information"

Kate Arbuckle

 "Although I have been reading cards for decades, the sacred space you created lifted my Spirits, reconnected me to the Divine AND as the course was geared towards beginners & more experienced readers alike, there was something for everyone there.  

Even the most experienced readers can forget to refill their reserves along the way, it is so easy to get caught in the busyness of daily life.

I am now feeling so much calmer, my soul is feeling restored and nourished & I received some amazing guidance from the mini card readings we did together that will help me navigate my next steps so beautifully.

I highly recommend this retreat for both beginners & more seasoned readers, as Aishling walks you through the steps so beautifully, helping beginners to trust their intuition & reminding seasoned readers that it's safe for them to hold boundaries around their energy when giving readings - thank you so much for a magical & safe space to nestle into today, it was utterly wonderful"

Learn to read Oracle Cards

with Confidence and Clarity!

Liz Corbett


"Thank you Aishling for today. It was absolutely wonderful

Thank you to the gorgeous angelites I met in the rooms

Aishling you are so down to earth, so real, and that has given me so much confidence to just be myself in my work. I did my celtic cross in bringing in more clients into my work

I'm definitely more focused now and certainly more a peace. 

Thank you so much"

Fiona McDonagh

"I joined Aisling's workshop out of curiousity, as I would use cards, but never really thought of myself as reading them.

I really enjoyed the workshop, I learnt to trust my inner gut, and met some FAB ladies. Plenty of card spreads to practice.

Aishling is a lovely, warm-hearted, funny facilitator, and made it all very relatable and down-to-earth.

Thanks, I really enjoyed the day.

Looking forward to practicing card reading more in my own practice now."

Ailbhe Galvin

"Your events always cause such great shifts in me and inevitably bring me to tears, this course was no different.

Thank you for being the incredible guide that you are. So full of love and support.  I have been playing with oracle cards for a few years but now feel much more confident to use them as a tool in my life. 

I have just done a celtic cross for myself looking for guidance about whether we should move from our home in search of a new, simpler life in the country.  

This spread has brought me to tears and given me so much insight into where I need to put my efforts and has allowed me to trust where my desire is coming. 

Thanks, Aishling"

Learn to read Oracle Cards

with Confidence and Clarity!

Marie O'Halloran 

"Thank you Aishling Mooney for a fantastic workshop.

I signed up for the Learn to read oracle cards with Aisling Mooney with an open heart and mind. I came away with far more than I ever expected and learned so much.

If you're considering this course, I say, why not? Go for it.

I made gorgeous connections and I was fortunate to get picked for a personal reading from Aishling"

Assumpta Hession

"Thank you Aishling Mooney for creating the beautiful angel cards and this course.

I really enjoyed learning and being in the energy with beautiful ladies. I felt so relaxed and it was such a safe space.

Thank you for your guidance.

I would recommend this workshop it was amazing and learning about the card was amazing I was buzzing."

Joan O’Neill

"I was nervous about trying to read the cards today in the group but I’m amazed at how connected I felt.

All the women were a pleasure to meet and I feel much more confident now.

Thank you, Aishling, I really enjoyed this space today to learn to read oracle cards with you. It was wonderful."

Learn to read Oracle Cards

with Confidence and Clarity!

Karen Marshall

"Thank you so much for today Aishling. I was out of my comfort zone with the one-to-ones but I’m so glad I did it.

I really enjoyed the workshop and connecting with new like-minded people. It was fun and enjoyable. Feel the fear and do it anyway!

Love the cards."

Fiona McDonagh

"I joined Aisling's workshop out of curiousity, as I would use cards, but never really thought of myself as reading them.

I really enjoyed the workshop, I learnt to trust my inner gut, and met some FAB ladies. Plenty of card spreads to practice.

Aishling is a lovely, warm-hearted, funny facilitator, and made it all very relatable and down-to-earth.

Thanks, I really enjoyed the day.

Looking forward to practicing card reading more in my own practice now."

Olwen Jennings

"Thank you Aishling for today’s workshop. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Even though I have been reading oracle cards for a while now, it was great to have space to do so with other like-minded people.

I love being in your energy and how down-to-Earth you are with your guidance.

It was such a healing space and great to connect with the Angels."

Learn to read Oracle Cards

with Confidence and Clarity!


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Learn to read Oracle Cards

with Confidence and Clarity!